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A joint is a technique used to fix two pieces of a construction material together. The term often seems easy enough until one takes a closer look at various types of joints commonly used such as the flat polygon miter joint and the mortise and tenon joint. Altogether, there are about forty-six types of joints used in the construction of cabinets and more are being discovered. The reason for this diversity in joint types is that each style joins two pieces in a slightly different manner which increases the aesthetic and durability of the furniture being constructed. This is one of the areas where expert cabinet builders exhibit their degree of craftsmanship and style to set their pieces apart from the rest.
Most people assume there are just two common joint techniques employed in cabinet making: flat butt joints and edge butt joints. Although it holds true that these are the two basic means of joining pieces in cabinets and their frames, that fact alone doesn't make either of them the most appealing or most secure method. A cabinetmaker often chooses the technique to use depending on the requirements of the particular project. For instance, drawers sides are often built using a dovetail jointing technique because this part of the furniture is meant to put up a resistance against the side tension caused by consistent pulling and pushing while also providing support for the weight of the contents of the drawer.