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Wall End Shelf
A wall end shelf is a type of shelve used to finish a cabinet run instead of an end cabinet. This fixture is unique because it is made of the same hardwood as the remaining cabinets. As with most cabinets, plywood or other manufactured wood may be used to construct the inner box. But the completed cabinets are covered with veneer and also incorporate hardwood to give the impression that the entire set of cabinets was constructed using the same solid wood.
A wall end shelf is constructed in a similar manner as a cabinet box to enable the whole unit to be installed in the same way as any of the cabinet units. The term "Wall end shelves" should not be used interchangeably with end shelves because the former is a complete unit while the latter can even be attached to any of the wall end cabinets in the cabinet run. Thoughts should be given to some differences before choosing between end shelving and a wall end shelve. The main difference is in the weight each can bear. A wall end shelve is constructed to hold more weight than an end shelf.